Posted by Joe Walkowski (WNYTC ORCA [] on Wednesday, February 01, 2023 at 12:47PM :
Freeimage works for me— I use a camera and a computer. I don’t know how it’ll work if you’re trying to do it from a smart phone. IT’S NOT AS COMPLICATED AS IT LOOKS! I just added a lot of details! Posting pics at Joe’s saves you a heap of time answering emails and sending out pics/answering questions— well worth the time to learn how. Freeimage is also FREE, and no registration or advertising thrown in.
Step #1 - put desired pic(s) in either JPEG or BMP format on your desktop
Step #2 - open internet window and go to
Step #3 - click red "START UPLOADING" button which will carry you to your computer desktop
Step #4 - select desired image and click "Open" which will carry you to a second page
Step #5 - click green "Upload" button (image will upload in 1-2 seconds)
Step #6 - click "Viewer links" down arrow and select "HTML full linked"
Step #7 - when long odd looking number appears (instantly) in lower box, click "COPY" button
Step #8 - go to
Step #9 - click on "Message Board" at top and scroll down to "Post A Message!" at page bottom
Step #10 - click inside box and click "Paste"...the long odd looking number (NOT THE VISIBLE IMAGE) appears
Step #11 - write your message ABOVE long odd looking number, don’t forget a title!
Step #12 - when completed, click "Post Message" button below and you're done (IMAGE WILL APPEAR IN YOUR POST)!
Note: If your pic is small at Joe’s, they can click it for the larger version. If your pic is too big, then you can resize it at Freeimage- see edit.
Note: you may have to click Refresh at Joe’s so post will come up. Right now, it’s taking about 15min for a new post to appear! Practice as a Reply to a post down near the bottom of the board. Remember to “refesh” to see practice post. May take 15 minutes for your Reply/Post to show up on Joe’s! Post a couple single pic practices.
Good luck—- Joe Walkowski (WNYTC ORCA)
-- Joe Walkowski (WNYTC ORCA -- signature WBHX1.