Posted by Big Foot (Bill Hellmer) [] on Thursday, April 03, 2014 at 7:52PM :
In Reply to: DIY Lure Case Display posted by Eric Wenzel ~ NFLCC WI [] on Tuesday, April 01, 2014 at 1:59PM :
Eric, I use cork in my cases.
I've done rolled cork, $15 a roll, and 12x12 inch squares. The squares are thicker and easier to cut and paste into the display case. I use 3M spray glue, onto the cork OUTSIDE and then place in th case with weights to secure, it space allows I double the cork too making it twice as thick to hold the T pins.
The rolled cork is a PIA to work with really!
Good luck
-- Big Foot (Bill Hellmer) -- signature bFYIQ.